Finally got my luggage back. Need to charge my cameras. Can't wait to get to the homestay and get settled. Hoping some of the odd happenings will change when we stop travelling in this massive group. I'm getting peppier day by day. I've started to meet some really near people, even a fellow blogger! Definitely crazy to feel like I'm the old one at 23 here. Things will be good. I mean how can it not be. I'm in Spain. Really coming to terns with the fact that it's time to be a grown up, not that I wasnt already. My uncle sent me great email about just that. Sorry for the rambly post, I'm on a bus :) check out these iPhone photos from Toledo yesterday.
Miss everyone bunches, promise to be the best blog updated ever once I get settled and pass this spanish placements test.
P.S. Would anyone like to donate to a fly will to spain fund even though he has no vacay days, Im pretty positive that would make everything 100% better. I think Anna and Alexis have mentioned they want to come too. Let's make this happen.